Sunday, 23 January 2011


have landed in new home...
creating and spreading new wings

A writer/journo called Nicolas Rothwell liked my mailbags last year and wrote a little story about them
here's a link if you interested....
was in Tuesday's Australian...(anyone keep a copy???)

Been too busy to scratch or have a read
Swimming everyday in waterfalls and rivers is hard work!!
Love me new nest...


  1. wow
    glorious on all fronts
    congratulatory nodding of head here ...

  2. Hey Imbi...
    have that copy I discovered at that cafe & folded into my bike bag when out riding the other day... just found where I put it... its not all fresh and new looking.... can send though!
    Thought it was brilliant... and glad to hear you're settling in!

  3. good stuff.
    shall forward the article to that gallery i wrote to some time ago [about your work]
    may give them food for thought

    and while we're mentioning food ...if i were [geographically] closer i would swing by with salt and bread - traditional Latvian offerings on moving into a new home

    perhaps by post?

  4. hey glorious to hear from you lovely peeps...thanks to you all...Sophie would love a copy even dog eared is even better...
    and Leslie, yes Waterfalls and creeks are lovely....
    ANd India...was in the Bangalow market today and saw a stall selling eco-printed silk dresses...very lovely and I asked 'oh so you've done a workshop with India Flint' and they said 'oh no - she is a lady from victoria - so and so dyes all of these here in Byron...'! I nodded and said ahhh...anyway, thanks for the bread and salt...grand...will place the salt on my doorstep...

  5. What a beautiful article about your work; congratulations.

  6. That's some beautiful strong words about your work. You really do touch people with what you create... Congrats!
