Thursday 19 August 2010

in the flesh...

attended a talk about art reviews yesterday,
you know, critical dialogue and the extrapolated contextual

came to light that reviews can happen
with a writer never actually seeing the work...
that a judgement can be made purely from digitalised images, catalogues and thelike

i stop to wonder...what is the point of exhibiting if we
are moving to an online world, an art of mechanised imagery, viewed through screen??
to me, and what is paramount to my practice...
is having the age old hand to art,
slow cooked, heart felt, real thing is where true inspiration lies
in the flesh...

people ask me "do you have a website??" and i pause to wonder
if i really want makes it too easy to access work, too easy to see something
and feel nothing...

i understand the digital reality and yes, here i am on blogger
but after a hefty time away from computer land
i strongly feel more and more that works should be seen
we should see people {face to face} not [facebook]

anyway...a post script to this...i had only seen jean-michel basquiat paintings online...
and recently made a pilgrimage to the musee des beaux arts de montreal,
and saw 2 basquiats in the so excited, i buzzed for daze....
totally changed my perspective on it, deepened my love for his messy, anti-aesthetic...
loved it...

heres some crappy digital reproductions for you all to not get it....

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