Monday, 15 June 2009

beach bits

while we are talking about trips to the beach and stuff
this is me local...
i go there often to pretend i am a rock
or to pretend that i am the sky
then i find treasure
or light or soemthing lovely
have found lots of rusty stuff
but ususally just like looking
at how it all fits together
and the reddy reds of red
you know about red
some people like green
but i think i am a red person

y'all have to come to darwin cos its warm and lovely and we have pawpaw

and can camp in back yard

but no wool sorry.....


  1. Those last two images contain amazingly beautiful color combinations. We have Pawpaw trees along the Potomac River on the Virginia side. Are you talking about edible fruit?

  2. you do have hair though
    beautiful rusty sky
    hello from greece

  3. don't worry i'll be bringing the silk scrap bag when i come...

  4. hmmm hairy silken papaya excited...India are you planning some warm country time...please please would be can camp at hotel a la imbi, have deluxe campfire suite, large spacious mozzie dome complete luxury! We gotta catch the rusty sunset, last night was beautiful xxx

  5. If we can find a way to keep Ozzie bugs at bay, then I'm there. I'll do the wool in cold Wellies. You do the silk and cotton. That rusty beach is just my thing. I can see I'd have lots of excess. You could invite my ma, she'd love Darwin.
