Monday 29 December 2008

when i dug for colour.....

this the country
when big storm came over
big wind and cool breath
over landscape

this the secret orange underground caverns of colour tree
hard to find in the matrix of small saplings
looks like sandpaper fig
but isn't

mashed red root muddy
likes to grow and interweave through rocks and sand
blood red bulb
makes brown brave colours

coelospermum reticulatum

haemadorum coccineum

these lovely red flowers make lovely berries on them in january
big wet rain makes them fat
then they burst with the most bold bright purple colour
i am travelling to miss the majik purple juice

1 comment:

  1. am always delighted when plants are describe using binary nomenclature rather than the vernacular! elminates confusion as well as giving vital information about the plant...i'll be following you across the ditch soon and am looking forward to comparing notes - you'll be well prepared to map country...have a good New Year's Eve and i'll see you in the Good New Year
